Fun For Freedom Wiki

The Stream Management Team is a Fun For Freedom team in charge of the Fun For Freedom Twitch Team, the Fun For Freedom Twitch Channel and many other streaming related duties.

Early Members (2013-May 2014)[]

The early members of the Stream Management Team are as follows:

GreatScottLP as Director, TBForGood, and PheonixRiku.

AWildAbra joined during GreatScottLP's and PheonixRiku's retirement from the team. AWildAbra and TBForGood began looking for new members to fill in Scott and Riku's absence.

New Members and New Focus (May 2014-)[]

On May 12th, 2014, AWildAbra and TBForGood began searching and interviewing for two new members. HotDatePaul and IncredibleMango were added to the ranks. The team then disccussed how to improve and make better of their services to the community. This lead to FFFWeekly and many other new shows and marathons.

The Current Members of the Stream Management Team are as follows:

TBForGood as Director, AWildAbra, HotDatePaul, and IncredibleMango as Assistant Directors
